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최근에 올라온 글

Dear Friends and customers,



A2 OverDrive is start to preparing PCB and parts.

I will order PCB soon and parts.. (parts price really very high now.. x3-x5 times becam higher)


I spent many of times not only for me but also for Programers and hacker of APPLE II.

Please try to find fun on the card.


Here is the A2 OverDrive introduction for more understanding.




A2 OverDrive introduction.pdf






* Note;

RAMWORKS memory provided 384KB not 448KB

8bits Input port not 7bits input.

Added one 4mS Timer signal detecting


Speed comparing



Sales start at the end of June.


Preorder will accept from soon.

I will put the price and Order button on here.



Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

'◆ Accelerator' 카테고리의 다른 글

A2 OverDrive  (0) 2021.09.17
A2 Turbo [out of order]  (0) 2021.05.22
A2 Turbo card scroll test on Game  (0) 2021.05.16
A2 OverDrive revised  (0) 2021.04.28
A2 OverDrive works fine with CFFA 3000  (2) 2021.02.22
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear Friends and customers,

SD DISKII Plus emulate two FDD or two HDD and It has a good Menu drived image selector.

On HDD emulation, SD DISKII Plus work as block devices and supprt two 32MB HDD emulation.
It doesn't accept smartport function call internally.

I have some reports about non working HDD image(800k).
And I found that those are using smartport MLI without checked the type of device.

Boot ROM already indicated as a non smartport device but, Smartport call happed on some program without check type of device and failed to access on some HDD images.

Anyway, I decided to support Smartport call on SD DISKII Plus.
I'm learning for smartport fuction calls.

It have to both on ROMBIOS and Firmware on SD DISKII Plus.
It would take some time please wait for new BIOS.

Unfortunatelly, It might to be updated ROM chip.
It require a ROM writer to update with new code.

New ROMBIOS and firmware would be annouced when It finished.

What will be change?
1) Smartcall program(image) will work properly.
2) More HDD drives can use now it has two HDD but, more atleast 4.
3) More block size accepted max 8G.

No change on 5.25" FDD emulation 

If you have any question, please let me know.

Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear friends and customers,

A2 Turbo (A2 OverDrive light version) is preparing.

I received ordered commercial PCB and testing.

Results is GOOD!



1) Simplified & Straight forward accelerator for APPLE ][, ][+, //e (Not for IIgs)
2) Max 7.16Mhz<-->3.58Mhz<-->1Mhz
3) Integrated 64KB Main RAM and AUX 64KB memory and accelerate both area.

* It will give more power on your APPLE ][,][+,//e.

* Recommended to use it on APPLE //e for full featuers.


Performance demo



A2 Turbo card scroll test on Game

Dear Friends and cutomers, Below is the speed test screen in the scroll game. In APPLE II, it is  the best scrolling screen on the game. (The sound was not recorded, but t..


General testing on APPLE ][+ 48KB 

BASIC speed testing.

SD DISKII Plus emulator used



DHGR testing


One of Korean Customer listed as below.



A2 Turbo 잘 받았습니다.

이안님이 보내주신 A2 Turbo 잘 받았습니다. 3.58mhz 기본인데 60fps 나오는 것 같은 느낌이!! 코드들이 하드 코드라 고칠 곳이 조금 있기는 할 것 같기는 합...




A2 Turbo card introduction



A2 Turbo introduction.pdf



*User's manual will be provided for buyers.



* I only accept the Paypal payments.

** eBay prices are always higher, so order my eBay-listed items for better prices directly by email or buy from here.


* Added 

A2 Turbo card is a light version for less price.


Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

'◆ Accelerator' 카테고리의 다른 글

A2 OverDrive  (0) 2021.09.17
A2 OverDrive Introduction  (0) 2021.06.07
A2 Turbo card scroll test on Game  (0) 2021.05.16
A2 OverDrive revised  (0) 2021.04.28
A2 OverDrive works fine with CFFA 3000  (2) 2021.02.22
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear Friends and cutomers,


Below is the speed test screen in the scroll game.
In APPLE II, it is  the best scrolling screen on the game.
(The sound was not recorded, but there is sound as well)


On the Demo, It shows the screens at 7.16Mhz, 3.58Mhz and 1Mhz respectively.
If you compare, you can see how much difference there is.

if you play the game, there is a sound of shooting a gun, and the sound of dropping a bomb and being detonated.
But, I'm not sure what is the purpose on game.
I guess that It doesn't seem to be made properly due to speed problems.

If made for accelerator cards, a much better screen and smoother look of enemies and friendly planes and  the blast planes.

If I think to make similar as this, set the CPU to 3.58Mhz and reduce the scrolling speed a bit, and handle other things more, 
It woulbe be much better game appearance would have been possible. Of course, if the speed is based on 7.16Mhz, it will be possible to drive more spare CPU power.

If I try to make a game later,
I would like to make a game that supports a merking board or a music card on such a scrolling screen.
It is almost impossible before the accelerator.

With A2 Turbo, programming with Apple 2 will be more fun. 

Ian Kim


'◆ Accelerator' 카테고리의 다른 글

A2 OverDrive Introduction  (0) 2021.06.07
A2 Turbo [out of order]  (0) 2021.05.22
A2 OverDrive revised  (0) 2021.04.28
A2 OverDrive works fine with CFFA 3000  (2) 2021.02.22
A2 OverDrive (APPLE II Accelerator) now playing 22Khz Stereo Music  (0) 2020.11.13
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear Customers and Friends,

I'm making an economical version of the A2 OverDrive accelerator.

Now all functions are working very good.


The A2 OverDrive has a lot of features, but a simple one would be a good choice, and a better price would be very helpful for many APPLE II fans.

Among the features of A2 OverDrive, only some of the functions of acceleration and memory cards have been imported.

What are the features?
0) Accelerator for APPLE][ and APPLE //e
1) Accelerates the MAIN and AUX areas
2) Accelerate all BASIC programs
3) MAIN 64KB and AUX 64KB
4) Speed steps from 1Mhz--> 3.58Mhz -->7.16Mhz by external simple toggle switch.

It has full memory so, APPLE][ user no need 16KB memory card with it and virtual 64KB AUX memory can use even on APPLE ][.

I'm hoping for a lot of people using it and then software developers may optimized their new programs for the Accelerator and  smoother graphics and sound could expected.

This card looks similar as under and not very different.

Under screen shot is on APPLE //e


Below screen shot is on APPLE ][+ 48K but, became 64KB Main and AUX 64K detected.

Please be aware, APPLE ][+ doesn't have own 80col display function nor DHGR/DGR and 
A2 Turbo doesn't make this function on APPLE ][/+.

Watch this how it works!



The target price is lower than $100

And expected availability date will be approximately 3 weeks later.


If you have any concerns, please let me know.
Thank you.

Ian Kim


** If you want to see how works on program? please let me know the name of program and then I will test it and upload the working movie.


** It doens't make your APPLE ][/+ to APPLE //e even AUX emulation supported.

Posted by 이안김
, |

A2 OverDrive revised

◆ Accelerator / 2021. 4. 28. 16:14

Dear Friends and Customers,

Recently, I ordered revised accelerator PCB.
I've tested it on CFFA3000 before and it wan't stable but now it solved on this PCB.

Due to phase timing issues, It wan't stable on CFFA3000.


I tested this card on below APPLE II models.
APPLE //e platinum, Works nice.
APPLE //e enhanced, Works nice.
APPLE //e non-enhanced, Works nice.
APPLE ][+ (Original) works and need to test some more.
APPLE ][+ clone model 6502!(?) Not stable handling DISK Emulator.


WAVPlayer V0.1 (only works with SD DISKII)

Little shows information of WAV file on D2:

I will test some more the added features.
If everything are fine, I could order commercial PCB.

'New Accerator will born'

Thank you very much.

Ian Kim


Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear Friends and customers,


English manual for Mockingboard 4c+



Please refer to the manual for insallation and use.


Mockingboard 4c+ Installation manual.pdf



Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
, |

APMSX Game Launcher

◆ APMSX / 2021. 4. 19. 00:38







This is a good utility to start game on APMSX.

This image doesn't have ROM images and user need to mergy files on HDV but, not hard to make it.

And there are source code of the launcer.

It tested and works!


Thanks ballmerpeak,




'◆ APMSX' 카테고리의 다른 글

65C02 VDP Demo  (1) 2022.04.06
APPLE II Joystick reading test on APMSX card.  (0) 2020.06.29
APMSX card introduction  (0) 2019.07.26
APMSX card boot MSXDOS and can run FDD games  (0) 2019.06.06
APMSX card introduction  (0) 2019.05.22
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear friends and customers,



I'm preparing MB4c+ for the Pre-Orders.

Please wait for some more day to be shipped yours.

Here is a tesing video on APPLE IIc+




Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear APMSX users,


I tested it with the latest firmware version with APMSX.

And It little had access issue while running on Turbo mode on APMSX.

I updated the driver in APMSX.HDV so, You can download again with the given link.


And Below  image is a BOLD demo disk and you can use it to test MSXDOS.


How to load the image on APMSX.


1) Select D1: APMSX.HDV D2:Bold.HDV  on SD DISK][ Plus

2) Boot with your APPLE II

3) Will run a game and Stop it with CTRL+Reset

4) ]RUN SD  

... You will see DISK booting.. or goto 3) again.


Below video is old time recorded with normal speed on APMSX.

To see this, After MSXDOS boot, You need to run 'A>DEMO ' on the given image.

Enjoy it.








'◆ Z80 Card' 카테고리의 다른 글

How to use 512KB memory on A2Z80plus  (0) 2021.03.31
dBASE II on A2Z80Plus  (0) 2021.03.30
A2Z80 plus run CP/M on HDD  (0) 2020.07.12
Another mate for A2Z80plus card  (0) 2019.05.03
A2Z80Plus ready  (0) 2019.01.26
Posted by 이안김
, |

This is a SD DISK][ File uploaing utility by Mr. SaTang Gune.

It can  upload a file to SD DISKII.

Tested USB Serial dongle just be care for COMx.



sd-disk][ serial uploader

    sdup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

    -m, --automount    auto mount after upload
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    -b, --baudrate <BAUDRATE>        set baudrate
    -i, --input <INPUT>              set input file name
    -p, --port <PORTNAME>            set serial port name
    -s, --sdfilename <SDFILENAME>    set file name in SD-DISK][



For Example>

serial_uploader -i zaxxon.nib -p COM4


Then it will upload the file to SD DISKII.


It may useful for who is makeing a program on PC and need to test it on the APPLE II.


Thanks a lot.








Posted by 이안김
, |

Pleae use translater.



Google Translate

From:Detect language—AfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianCatalanCebuanoChichewaChineseCorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrisianGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujar




A2Z80카드의 메모리 맵핑 기능을 활용하여 512KB영역을 사용하는 방법입니다.


A2Z80 카드는 내장된 512KBAPPLE //e에서 R/W할수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.

간단하게 32KB 16KB씩메인 메모리의 주소에 맵핑시켜 사용 가능하며,

주소는 $1000~$4FFF 16KB영역, $5000~$8FFF까지 16KB씩맵핑도 가능합니다.

32KB로 맵핑하면 한번에 32KB씩 사용할 수 있습니다.


이를 위한 방법을 순서대로 적어봅니다.

먼저 A2Z80에게 버스를 사용하겠다고 명령을 내립니다. 메모리를 Z80도 사용하므로, 세워서 APPLE //e 전유물로 만듭니다. 물론 Z80은 동작을 정지합니다.


아래 표를 보시면 


A2Z80이 슬롯1에 있는경우 $C09A이 됩니다.

'1000'  0x08입니다.

여기에 $08을 넣으면 A2Z80카드는 APPLE 이 버스를 사용하도록 허락합니다(편의상 32KB 전부 맵핑으로 설명 합니다)


이때부터 APPLE //e $1000~$8FFF까지가A2Z80영역의 512KB 32KB가 연결이 됩니다.


그런 후 A2Z80의 메모리를 RW할수있도록 설정해 줘야 합니다.


이 동작은 아래 Register를 설정하므로 할수 있습니다.

간단하게 $0F를 넣어주면 됩니다.

A2Z80이 슬롯1에 있는경우는 $C099가 됩니다.


그런 후 원하는 512KB의 메모리 뱅크를 선택합니다.


$C0nB에서 설정을 하는데, $00~$0F값을 넣으므로써 설정됩니다.



A2Z80이 슬롯1에 있는경우$C09B 입니다.


그러면 $1000~$8FFF영역의 32KB영역의메모리의 사용 준비가 모두 끝났습니다.

바로 해당 영역의 메모리를 R/W하시면 됩니다.


사용이 끝난후에는 APPLE //e의 메모리 영역으로 쉽게 돌아올수있습니다.

C0n9 $00을 넣으면Z2Z80 RAM 영역이 OFF됩니다

이렇게 하면 $1000~$8FFF영역이 애플2 기본 메모리로 돌아옵니다.


이렇게 16개의 뱅크를 선택하여 총 512KB영역을 사용할 수 있습니다.


그외 참고 기능으로 

프로그램이 A2Z80메모리 영역에 있는 경우 메모리 뱅크가 바뀌면 프로그램이 없어지는 문제점이 있으므로, 이럴때는 16KB씩만 맵핑하시거나, 프로그램을A2Z80 메모리 영역에도 복사하여 두면, 문제를 해결할수 있습니다. APPLE //e 메모리에서 A2Z80메모리쪽으로 복사하기 위해서는 A2Z80 카드의메모리를 Write Only로만 켜서 Write 하시면 Read는 애플2에서 Write는 A2Z80쪽으로 기록이 됩니다.


VGM Player 512KB는 A2Z80카드의 512KB 메모리를 활용하여 만들었습니다.

APMSX카드도 유사한 기능이 있으므로 APMSX카드용으로도 쉽게 적용이 가능합니다.




'◆ Z80 Card' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD DISK][ Driver for APMSX  (0) 2021.04.04
dBASE II on A2Z80Plus  (0) 2021.03.30
A2Z80 plus run CP/M on HDD  (0) 2020.07.12
Another mate for A2Z80plus card  (0) 2019.05.03
A2Z80Plus ready  (0) 2019.01.26
Posted by 이안김
, |

dBASE II on A2Z80Plus

◆ Z80 Card / 2021. 3. 30. 10:10

I searched dBase II on Internet and could get a dBase 2.4 and I tested on CP/M HDD image.


I recalled my old memory and made a simple program to add testing records.

Now it have 45752 records and works fine but, slow.

This dBase program is general one and I transfered it to FDD and copy it to the HDD of SD DISKII plus.

To transfer the program to CP/M..


1) Download programs for CP/M

2) Add files for APPLE II image disk by Cpmtools 2.9.

It looks some complicated but works.



Cpmtools 2.9 Executables for Windows Users



3) Transfer this FDD image to another SD DISKII Plus. (For conveniances I used two SD DISKII Plus)

4) Boot CP/M and Copy files.

PIP C:=E:*.*





PS: Maximum records on dBASE II, It looks 6553x records (16bits).

If over this records, dBASE doesn't handle properly.

Anyway, This is one of example it has 65000 records and sized 3.1MB and index file sized 1.3MB. I didn't expected it could handle this size of database. :)

Here is bootable 32MB HDD image with dBASE II (in A:)


* SD DISKII Plus need to installed on SLOT#7 and A2Z80Plus was in SLOT#4.

* And to start CP/M, need to press '2'


Thanks for reading.

Ian Kim

'◆ Z80 Card' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD DISK][ Driver for APMSX  (0) 2021.04.04
How to use 512KB memory on A2Z80plus  (0) 2021.03.31
A2Z80 plus run CP/M on HDD  (0) 2020.07.12
Another mate for A2Z80plus card  (0) 2019.05.03
A2Z80Plus ready  (0) 2019.01.26
Posted by 이안김
, |

VisiCalc Advanced Version for APPLE II

Tested on APPLE //e with SD DISKII Plus.


Here is the HDV image file.


Enjoy it.


Posted by 이안김
, |


Dear customers and friends,
This version of firmware  fixed some bugs on FDD mode.
Please update your SD DISK][plus with this firmware.
What's changed in this firmware is,
1) Fixed an error what some images could not start up well at once during FDD booting.
2) NODSK??.NIB that automatically creates when formatting without selecting a disk and  now this temporary file automatically inserted during Power ON Boot. 
If I have multiple temporary files, I had a little difficulties to find which was that.

But now, It is more convenient for FDD work for copying a real DISKETTE to image file.

3) Write FDD and then rebooting soon, It desn't updated the image file.
Now it fixed and correctly update the FDD(*.NIB) image file.

Please refer to the link below for how to update the firmware.



(Thanks Mr. Johnson Lam)




Posted by 이안김
, |

Here is a one of example file manager for WIFI SD Memory card.

You may find better one but, It is a simple and easy to manage your SD memory card.

You can download/upload/delete on your WIFI SD memory card from your PC.

I have tested Toshiba Flash Air SD card (W-2) with my Windows10 PC and works fine with SD DISKII Plus

This view is my SD files in the SD DISKII Plus.


Please refer to this link for download and configure your FlashAir card.




FlashAir Web File Manager. Contribute to stephanr/FlashAir-FileManager development by creating an account on GitHub.


Enjoy your SD DISK II Plus with WIFI SD Memory card.


Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear friends and customers,

I glad to annouce this information about the mockingboard for APPLE //c+ is completed.

This board could be installed over the CPU socket same and speaker volume also works as followd the volume control slide.

It was fully tested on APPLE //c+ and works great but, on 4Mhz, It generate higher tone and faster sound. For proper sound, you have to set on normal speed on APPLE //c+.


I ordered PCB for commercial boards and parts. it would take around 2 weeks and then I could start to ship to you.


** Pre-Order will be closed on 28th March **



Included items;


1) MB4c+ board 
2) Two speakers
3) Volume control wire

*It doesn't include 3.5mm AUX cable.

**MB4C+ is compatible with APPLE //c & APPLE //c+


Price; $125

(Preorder closed)

For pre-orders, I will ship it for free but only for below countries.


* Shipping Issues *

Thesedays, I'm having difficulties to ship world wide.
In this time, I can ship only those countries for free of charge.

--Free shipping countries--


For other countries, I have to check if it could be shipped by EMS or UPS and costs would be higher so,  it wouldn't be a free shipping and need additional costs.

For this, Please let me know by email with your address to check the shipping costs.


Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

'◆ Mockingboard 4c' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mockingboard 4c+ Installation manual  (1) 2021.04.23
Testing of MB4c+ commercial board  (0) 2021.04.08
Making a MB4c for APPLE //c+  (1) 2021.01.13
New Mockingboard 4c board is preparing  (0) 2020.08.29
Mockingboard 4c is preparing  (0) 2017.07.21
Posted by 이안김
, |

For long time, I used this PS2 Keyboard adapter for my APPLE //e and there was no inconvenices.

And  Yesterday, I obtain a MINI keyboard adapter.
It is quite simple and looks good for small table for testing.

It worked with this PS2 adapter but, I found a issue.

PS2 Keybaord adapter was developed for full sized keyboard and there is 10keys pad is on right side.
And adapter always the Num lock ON. it was OK with it. 
but for this mini keyboard is using this 10keys are overlayed over the alphabet area. It became a problem here.
I can't key-in properly cause the num lock always ON and it send numbers insted alphabet..


'PS2 Keyboard Adapter didn't be designed to OFF the Num lock.'

I started to update firmware to handle Num Lock and now, I can OFF and ON.
And It can save as Power Default.
So, now It can ON or OFF Num lock when Power ON.

And Bonus function, Also Caps Lock also can save for Power ON default.

Unfortunatelly, This firmware coudn't be updated by remote so, only future ordered items would be apply this function. sorry for this.

If user could send the board to me, I could update firmware for free but, shipping costs is the matter.

Ian Kim

'◆ PS2 Adapter' 카테고리의 다른 글

Revising for PS2 Keyboard adapters  (0) 2024.07.10
Manual for PS2 Adapter on APPLE //e  (1) 2019.01.14
PS2 Keyboard Adapter for APPLE II and II+  (0) 2016.03.08
PS2 Keyboard adapter for APPLE //c  (0) 2016.02.29
PS2 adapter for APPLE IIe  (0) 2016.02.29
Posted by 이안김
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Dear customers and friends,


About three weeks ago I suddenly had terrible pain on my back.
First day, I had pain but, I could standup and can do limitted move but, the second day, I even can't standup..
What happend on my body.
I lied on the bed whole days and night.
I don't want to go to hospital just lied on bed.. maybe I'm idiot.
My wife asked to go hospital by the emergency emblance.
But, I think it doens't needed.. I just need to rest.
I searched internet and I guess it is a type of Disk proble on my backbone..
I want rest..
During long months I couldn't have proper rest. almost of everyday I spent time only for developing on new products.
When I hang on some point, I can't go ahead for other things.
Maybe it is my style.

It took about a week to walk again with rely on the walking stick.
Still had pain on my back and right leg.
Now passed three weeks and I could walk without the walking stick.
I can't run but, can walk..
My age is now above 50 and I'm not young anymore.. My body doens't good as before.
Now, I started to consider to keep my health.

My develpment wan't easy. because all products before to develop, it required the understanding about the functions. I didn't make any things just copy from old device. Copy from old one and sell it, it could be much easier but, can't have knowledge from developer and this device doesn't make me feel as I developed, It is just one of copyed device andmore can't put unique fun functions.

From this week, I could move much better. I must not carry any heavy things but, I can do soldering for my customers and could go to post office to ship the good for my customers.

Sorry for delays on orders, I hardly soldered for orders but I feel much better now.


Thanks for your support and keep healthy.

Best Regards;
Ian Kim

'자유 게시판' 카테고리의 다른 글

디렉토리를 Sort  (0) 2013.09.29
오류와의 싸움  (1) 2013.09.29
정치판 이야기를 피하고..  (0) 2013.07.31
홍게라도 좋다  (0) 2013.01.05
금년에는 눈도 많이 오네..  (0) 2013.01.05
Posted by 이안김
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Dear customers and friends,


Today, the A2 OverDrive card works well with the CFFA3000.

I spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem,

As I expected, there was a slight difference in the SYNC timing with the board.

Now, it works well and I have to test the compatibility between APPLE II models,


WAV Player currently works only on SD DISKII Plus.

If I have enough time, I could program a WAV player for CFFA 3000.

WAV Player is a simple ASM code, and source code will be released for purchasers and game developers to use.

A2 OverDrive card will be released at a good price for APPLE II enthusiasts and it could help your APPLE II computer runs faster and more fun to use.


Thanks for your waiting.


Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
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