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최근에 올라온 글

Dear Friends and customers,

SD DISKII Plus emulate two FDD or two HDD and It has a good Menu drived image selector.

On HDD emulation, SD DISKII Plus work as block devices and supprt two 32MB HDD emulation.
It doesn't accept smartport function call internally.

I have some reports about non working HDD image(800k).
And I found that those are using smartport MLI without checked the type of device.

Boot ROM already indicated as a non smartport device but, Smartport call happed on some program without check type of device and failed to access on some HDD images.

Anyway, I decided to support Smartport call on SD DISKII Plus.
I'm learning for smartport fuction calls.

It have to both on ROMBIOS and Firmware on SD DISKII Plus.
It would take some time please wait for new BIOS.

Unfortunatelly, It might to be updated ROM chip.
It require a ROM writer to update with new code.

New ROMBIOS and firmware would be annouced when It finished.

What will be change?
1) Smartcall program(image) will work properly.
2) More HDD drives can use now it has two HDD but, more atleast 4.
3) More block size accepted max 8G.

No change on 5.25" FDD emulation 

If you have any question, please let me know.

Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
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