This utility is a good one for sorting files on SD memory card.
I got a sick but much better now. (2) | 2021.03.03 |
디렉토리를 Sort (0) | 2013.09.29 |
오류와의 싸움 (1) | 2013.09.29 |
정치판 이야기를 피하고.. (0) | 2013.07.31 |
홍게라도 좋다 (0) | 2013.01.05 |
MB4C+ revised and enhanced for..
Now user can select SLOT#4 or SLOT#5
It isn't needed but some of user suggested and applied.
If S/W is upper ; SLOT#4
If S/W is down ; SLOT#5
'Reset' hides the mocking board
When the user pressed 'Reset' and tried to reboot, it stopped on $c400 cause there was ROM code missing cause MB4C occupied there and needed to power OFF/ON or '$C600G'
Now it automatically returns and no more brake stops.
It wasn't a bug, the music construct set requested user to press 'RESET' to stop playing music.. so I couldn't remove MB4c from the SLOT.
but, I gave it up... and now we don't have to bother the brake while restarting.
Internally patched for the Prince of Persia.
I got a report that he couldn't run The Prince of Persia
I didn't believe before to test it but, I tested it and found he is correct.
It has a very strange hang while loading and doesn't start...
it made me research some more and now I can make it work with it.
I will consider the software cause it looks like a kind of bug.
And I will modify the position of screw holes for IIc 4000 after that we could have only one version of MB4C+ for all of APPLE IIc(+) computers.
Thanks, friends and customers..
Have a good day
Ian Kim
Speaker Clip for Mockingboard 4c/4c+ (0) | 2023.12.28 |
Example code for Mockingboad programming (0) | 2023.01.03 |
Mockingboard 4c+ Installation manual (1) | 2021.04.23 |
Testing of MB4c+ commercial board (0) | 2021.04.08 |
Pre-order for Mockingboard 4c+ [Closed] (2) | 2021.03.14 |
Dear friend and customers,
I'm updating the PS2 keyboard adapter series.
APPLE][, APPLE //e, IIc and IIc+
all keyboard adaptors would allow present(Original) Keyboard connection and will work together with the PS2 keyboard.
For this, It needs to be designed a new PCB.
I will post it when It is ready.
Thanks a lot
PS2 Keyboard adapter Num lock issue (0) | 2021.03.13 |
Manual for PS2 Adapter on APPLE //e (1) | 2019.01.14 |
PS2 Keyboard Adapter for APPLE II and II+ (0) | 2016.03.08 |
PS2 Keyboard adapter for APPLE //c (0) | 2016.02.29 |
PS2 adapter for APPLE IIe (0) | 2016.02.29 |
MIDI songs (0) | 2023.11.10 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (2) (0) | 2022.08.03 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (0) | 2022.08.02 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
SD Smart Drive메뉴얼첨부
FDD1, AUX FDD2에대한 내용을 조금 보강한 한글 메뉴얼입니다.
SD Smart Drive Firmware V1.18Z (0) | 2019.08.04 |
SD Smart Drive firmware V1.18W (0) | 2017.03.16 |
Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS (0) | 2016.07.09 |
Firmware V1.18S (0) | 2016.06.20 |
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator (0) | 2015.11.27 |
Dear customers and friends,
Your success and happiness lie in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. May the New Year 2024 bring you all the joy and success in life!
Thank you very much,
Ian Kim
7% discount coupon (1) | 2022.06.23 |
ORDER DIRECT for less price (0) | 2022.05.14 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR (0) | 2022.01.05 |
Mockingboard 4c is preparing for pre-order (1) | 2020.01.14 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (0) | 2020.01.01 |
Mr. Steph made it and sent STL file.
If you have a 3D printer, you can print it and can use it to hold speakers in APPLE //c
When I ready, I will provide those clips for buyers.
Mr. Steph, thank you very much.
MB4C+ revised (0) | 2024.07.11 |
Example code for Mockingboad programming (0) | 2023.01.03 |
Mockingboard 4c+ Installation manual (1) | 2021.04.23 |
Testing of MB4c+ commercial board (0) | 2021.04.08 |
Pre-order for Mockingboard 4c+ [Closed] (2) | 2021.03.14 |
It isn't my project.
Mr. Trapung is a member of apple II cafe in the naver
This is a 4-channel sound tracker using PWM. Outputs through the main speaker.
While looking for information on the sound of Apple speakers, I came across SoftDAC.
If I did well, I thought I would be able to configure multiple channels.
Set the sampling rate to 22050Hz / 4 = 5558Hz
Wav length is limited to 256 bytes.
Like the reference material, it is a 5bit DAC.
At the point when DACs were available, channel mixers were also feasible.
Because 1 cycle op is required for cycle matching, the 65C02 instruction is used.
- Due to the low sampling rate of 5558Hz, it is lacking in high notes,
- In the data tracking part, the DAC loop is exited, and at this time, 'Pop' noise occurs.
=> This is more noticeable in fast tempo music. Tick,. Tick,... Tick Tick.. ㅌㅌㅌ
- The wav length is 256 bytes, making it difficult to properly express the instrument tone.
There are currently 6 types of instruments (wav): square, sine, triangle, noise, slap bass, and drum.
It can roughly imitate Famicom and MSX's PSG.
Sample sounds include Super Mario, 1943, and Puyo Puyo. (Extract data from mid file)
(Music file name: T_MARIO, T_1943, T_PUYO)
]BLOAD music file
Run it with .
Works with Apple II series (IIe, IIc) with 65C02 CPU or higher.
I couldn't take the practical test because I don't have any practical skills.
[Source] 4-channel sound tracker (APPLE ][ ®Apple Computer) | Posted by trapung
PWM을 이용한 4채널 사운드 트래커입니다. 본체 스피커로 출력합니다.
애플 스피커의 사운드 관련 자료를 찾다가 SoftDAC을 찾게 되었는데,
잘만하면 여러채널을 구성할 수 있을것 같았습니다.
샘플링 레이트를 22050Hz / 4 = 5558Hz에 맞추고
Wav 길이를 256 bytes로 제한했습니다.
참고자료와 마찬가지로 5bit DAC 이구요.
DAC가 가능한 시점에서 채널 믹서도 실현가능했습니다.
Cycle 맟추느라 1cycle op도 필요해서 65C02 명령어를 사용합니다.
- 5558Hz란 낮은 샘플링 레이트 때문에 고음에서 딸림,
- 데이터를 트래킹하는 부분에서 DAC루프를 빠져나오게 되는데 이때 'Pop' 노이즈가 발생
=> 빠른 템포의 음악에서 더욱 두드러집니다. 틱,. 틱,... 틱틱.. ㅌㅌㅌ
- wav길이가 256byte로 악기 음색을 제대로 표현하기 어려움
악기(wav)는 현재 square, sine, triangle, noise, slap bass 및 drum의 6종입니다.
패미컴, MSX의 psg를 얼추 흉내낼 수 있습니다.
샘플 사운드로 슈퍼마리오 및 1943, 뿌요뿌요가 들어있어요. (mid 파일에서 데이터 추출)
(음악파일이름: T_MARIO, T_1943, T_PUYO )
]BLOAD 음악파일
로 실행합니다.
65C02 CPU 이상의 Apple II 시리즈( IIe, IIc ) 에서 작동합니다.
실기가 없는 관계로 실기테스트는 못했습니다.
[출처] 4채널 사운드 트래커 (APPLE ][ ®애플 컴퓨터) | 작성자 trapung
Plan to make some Joystick for APPLE //e , IIc and IIgs (1) | 2017.07.06 |
Game images (0) | 2017.01.13 |
CP/M Turob7 card is ready (0) | 2016.07.26 |
ASIMOV Site for image files (0) | 2015.11.17 |
PS2 keyboard conveter for APPLE][& ][+ (0) | 2015.02.26 |
It contains a few Beatles songs.
Of course, it can be played on SD MIDI ][+ and Passport MIDI card.
Enjoy it
User review (0) | 2024.02.17 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (2) (0) | 2022.08.03 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (0) | 2022.08.02 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
Dear friends and customers,
PS2 keyboard adaptor is good for APPLE II but, now a day the PS2 keyboard also not easy to find...
Anyway, there are still good PS2 compatible USB keyboard.
With a USB adaptor and then it works great all of my keyboard adaptors.
I think that some of the other USB keyboards also may work on a PS2 adaptor.
but, the 8310 BOSSTON keyboard is cheap and black and white color one exists.
I tested it on //e,//c and ][+ PS2 keyboard adapter.
Ian Kim
It isn't my code and I found it somewhere...
The code shows the basic Mockinboard control way and ISR(Interrupt service routine).
It isn't a music player just routine to use AY38910 with 6522 chip.
MB4C+ revised (0) | 2024.07.11 |
Speaker Clip for Mockingboard 4c/4c+ (0) | 2023.12.28 |
Mockingboard 4c+ Installation manual (1) | 2021.04.23 |
Testing of MB4c+ commercial board (0) | 2021.04.08 |
Pre-order for Mockingboard 4c+ [Closed] (2) | 2021.03.14 |
Before explaining the new MIDI command,
I asked last time you to learn about Note ON and Program Change.
Have you learned it?
You need to learn this 'Note ON' and 'Program Change'
As you tested it, It plays one single voice.
Now You can learn how to Play more voices at the same time.
For Example, to play Do Mi Sol at the same time,
In Piano, You have to push Do, Mi, Sol at the same time.
It could achieve just Keep push Do, Mi,Sol note at the same time.
Pressing Keyboard is the 'Note ON'.
So, you just send this MIDI data.
And if you want OFF the sound,
Just send 'Note OFF' to the channel.
To play Notes, You have to Know the MIDI keyboard numbers as attached.
Find the Do, Mi, Sol and It is 60,64,67
So add code as under..
10 AC = 49320
20 AD = 49321
100 POKE AC,19: POKE AC,17
200 POKE AD,144: POKE AD,60: POKE AD,127
210 POKE AD,144: POKE AD,64: POKE AD,127
220 POKE AD,144: POKE AD,67: POKE AD,127
* This 144 is 'NoteON' MIDI command
And Run it
If you want a small delay between NOTE ON
205 GOSUB 300
215 GOSUB 300
299 END
300 FOR D=1 TO 100:NEXT D
Now, You could have step Playing notes.
And now, you will learn about 'Note OFF'
Note off is release your keyboard.
Note ON is pressing the keyboard now release the keyboard is Note OFF.
You can do it as 80h+Channel
So if you want '1st channel Note OFF'
POKE AD,128: POKE AD,64: POKE AD,127
Then The sound would off the keyboard.
Now, you learned
Note ON
Program Change
Note OFF
and simple delay.
It is a very simple guide and would like this MIDI approach by BASIC code.
For more tricks, You need to learn some more about MIDI commands.
Hope you enjoy it.
Ian Kim
User review (0) | 2024.02.17 |
MIDI songs (0) | 2023.11.10 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (0) | 2022.08.02 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
Hi Friends and customers,
I would like to explain how to use SD MIDI ][+ on BASIC.
SD MIDI ][+ card with a sound module, it would make a MIDI sound card for APPLE II.
But, unfortunately, APPLE II has limited Software to play MIDI sound.
SD MIDI ][+ users could play *.MID songs with MIDI Player.
And I believe that someday people would like to play MIDI card for better sound on APPLE II.
I will explain how to use SD MIDI ][+ card on BASIC in this column.
Users can use it in a straightforward way on BASIC.
Play Note and Stop the Note and with proper delay, It could be a MIDI song player.
Let's start to play BASIC for MIDI sound.
Try this code to make Sound.
*You need to key in all BASIC code, it would make you understand it.
** SD MIDI ][+ need to SLOT#2.
10 AC = 49320 ;Slot #2. MIDI control port
20 AD = 49321 ;Slot #2, MIDI Data port
100 POKE AC,19: POKE AC,17 ;MC 6850 init
200 POKE AD,144: POKE AD,50: POKE AD,127 ; Send data
Can you hear any sound?
If there is no sound, try to check if card SLOT #2 and Speaker are ON.
If you could hear sound.. it is the easiest way to use MIDI card on your APPLE II.
And Now, let's change the musical instrument to another.
Add this code.
110 POKE AD,192: POKE AD,127
And RUN it
And now,
What do you hear?
Did you still think making MIDI sound is hard on APPLE II?
Now, you need to learn the Data that it sent..
The code of POKE AD,( )
You may need to find the MIDI specification.
And What I tested in the code..
Program Change
MIDI songs (0) | 2023.11.10 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (2) (0) | 2022.08.03 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
Revised SD MIDI ][+ card coming soon (0) | 2022.05.13 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 (0) | 2024.01.01 |
ORDER DIRECT for less price (0) | 2022.05.14 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR (0) | 2022.01.05 |
Mockingboard 4c is preparing for pre-order (1) | 2020.01.14 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (0) | 2020.01.01 |
Dear Friends and Customers,
SD MIDI ][+ is completed and start to sell SD MIDI ][+ on eBay and here.
Sound recording
It has noise but this noise isn't from MIDI card It from Video capture card.
User's manual
Please email me for a better price than eBay.
Anyway, some countries are not available good priced shipping way.
Please also refer to the eBay item descriptions.
Ian Kim
Using MIDI card on BASIC (2) (0) | 2022.08.03 |
Using MIDI card on BASIC (0) | 2022.08.02 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
Revised SD MIDI ][+ card coming soon (0) | 2022.05.13 |
SD MIDI ][+ Player Ver. 0.2K (0) | 2021.07.10 |
Dear Friends and Customers,
The new board arrived and I'm testing it now.
Using MIDI card on BASIC (0) | 2022.08.02 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
Revised SD MIDI ][+ card coming soon (0) | 2022.05.13 |
SD MIDI ][+ Player Ver. 0.2K (0) | 2021.07.10 |
SD MIDI][+ Player V0.2J (0) | 2021.07.06 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 (0) | 2024.01.01 |
7% discount coupon (1) | 2022.06.23 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR (0) | 2022.01.05 |
Mockingboard 4c is preparing for pre-order (1) | 2020.01.14 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (0) | 2020.01.01 |
SD MIDI ][+ card and user's manual (1) | 2022.06.03 |
New MIDI ][+ is under testing (0) | 2022.05.24 |
SD MIDI ][+ Player Ver. 0.2K (0) | 2021.07.10 |
SD MIDI][+ Player V0.2J (0) | 2021.07.06 |
Patch SD MIDI][+ card for SD MIDI][ + Player (0) | 2021.07.06 |