A2 Turbo [out of order]
Dear friends and customers,
A2 Turbo (A2 OverDrive light version) is preparing.
I received ordered commercial PCB and testing.
Results is GOOD!
1) Simplified & Straight forward accelerator for APPLE ][, ][+, //e (Not for IIgs)
2) Max 7.16Mhz<-->3.58Mhz<-->1Mhz
3) Integrated 64KB Main RAM and AUX 64KB memory and accelerate both area.
* It will give more power on your APPLE ][,][+,//e.
* Recommended to use it on APPLE //e for full featuers.
Performance demo
A2 Turbo card scroll test on Game
Dear Friends and cutomers, Below is the speed test screen in the scroll game. In APPLE II, it is the best scrolling screen on the game. (The sound was not recorded, but t..
General testing on APPLE ][+ 48KB
BASIC speed testing.
SD DISKII Plus emulator used
DHGR testing
One of Korean Customer listed as below.
A2 Turbo 잘 받았습니다.
이안님이 보내주신 A2 Turbo 잘 받았습니다. 3.58mhz 기본인데 60fps 나오는 것 같은 느낌이!! 코드들이 하드 코드라 고칠 곳이 조금 있기는 할 것 같기는 합...
A2 Turbo card introduction
A2 Turbo introduction.pdf
*User's manual will be provided for buyers.
* I only accept the Paypal payments.
** eBay prices are always higher, so order my eBay-listed items for better prices directly by email or buy from here.
* Added
A2 Turbo card is a light version for less price.
Thanks a lot
Ian Kim
'◆ Accelerator' 카테고리의 다른 글
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