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최근에 올라온 글

Dear Friends and customers,



A2 OverDrive is start to preparing PCB and parts.

I will order PCB soon and parts.. (parts price really very high now.. x3-x5 times becam higher)


I spent many of times not only for me but also for Programers and hacker of APPLE II.

Please try to find fun on the card.


Here is the A2 OverDrive introduction for more understanding.




A2 OverDrive introduction.pdf






* Note;

RAMWORKS memory provided 384KB not 448KB

8bits Input port not 7bits input.

Added one 4mS Timer signal detecting


Speed comparing



Sales start at the end of June.


Preorder will accept from soon.

I will put the price and Order button on here.



Thanks a lot

Ian Kim

'◆ Accelerator' 카테고리의 다른 글

A2 OverDrive  (0) 2021.09.17
A2 Turbo [out of order]  (0) 2021.05.22
A2 Turbo card scroll test on Game  (0) 2021.05.16
A2 OverDrive revised  (0) 2021.04.28
A2 OverDrive works fine with CFFA 3000  (2) 2021.02.22
Posted by 이안김
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