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최근에 올라온 글

Dear friends and customers,

From V2.7x, It enhanced HDD speed and fixed some bugs for APPLE IIgs (GSOS will boot properly).


(1) HDD R/W routine applied ASM routine and faster and HDD access speed +23%.

     Internal Cache enhanced, R/W cache works better and faster.

(2) FDD loading speed slightly faster.

(3) APPLE IIgs HDD access faster

(4) New BIOS ROM(chip type) V1.84 support. (HDD Speed up; +20%); for this, you need to order new ROM chip or ROM re-write by ROM Writer (please ask me the ROM code).


This V2.70c version fixed some issues on APPLE IIgs.

The boot menu properly works on APPLE IIgs(Tested ROM1).

This program required above 65C02 CPU hence, old APPLE ][ or ][+ doesn't work.

In my case, I replace CPU 65c02 on APPLE][+ and results. Working.. :)

Anyway APPLE //e enhanced and platinum works.


I will update the firmware code for 6502 CPU for APPLE ][,][+ and non-enhanced APPLE //e.


And We have changed some compare to V2.70b.


1) You can see this message if the menu can start (Only Power ON boot can see it)



2) Menu program recognizes PO image if it is for HDD or FDD.

So users can select PO image to HDD or FDD.


3) [Q] QUIT support

Why does it need?

If you need to write FDD or HDD image, It required the file in the current directory.

But, if you move to another location, it can't update the image file when it write so the writing would fail.

[Q]uit selection will just Exit the menu and stay current directory and data write could be updated into the given file.


4) FDD D2: support power ON pre-loading.

I removed it because of FDD loading takes time to start booting. but, for your convenience, It supports from this version.


* Known issues

(1)Occasionally, On file list, it shows garbages. I'm checking why it happens.

(2)Fast speed mode on APPLE IIgs, The FDD boot may fail. You may need to reboot manually.

Normal speed mode doesn't have this issue. I'm working to solve it.



Test version support up to 40 files only (included directory).

This version tested on SD DISK][ plus card (Earlier version not yet tested).


Any issues or strange things, please let me know to change or fix it.


Thanks & Regards;

Ian Kim




* Please download a newer version.


'◆ SD DISK II' 카테고리의 다른 글

Menu Firmware V2.71B [Test version]  (1) 2020.05.25
New firmware for SD DISK][ V2.71A [Test version]  (0) 2020.05.25
NEW FIRMWARE V2.70b (POWER ON MENU)  (1) 2020.05.18
New firmware for SD DISK II Emulator  (0) 2020.05.13
GSOS 6.0.2  (0) 2019.06.25
Posted by 이안김
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