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최근에 올라온 글

'2021/02/22'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.02.22 A2 OverDrive works fine with CFFA 3000 2

Dear customers and friends,


Today, the A2 OverDrive card works well with the CFFA3000.

I spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem,

As I expected, there was a slight difference in the SYNC timing with the board.

Now, it works well and I have to test the compatibility between APPLE II models,


WAV Player currently works only on SD DISKII Plus.

If I have enough time, I could program a WAV player for CFFA 3000.

WAV Player is a simple ASM code, and source code will be released for purchasers and game developers to use.

A2 OverDrive card will be released at a good price for APPLE II enthusiasts and it could help your APPLE II computer runs faster and more fun to use.


Thanks for your waiting.


Ian Kim

Posted by 이안김
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