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최근에 올라온 글

SD Smart Drive메뉴얼첨부


FDD1, AUX FDD2에대한 내용을 조금 보강한 한글 메뉴얼입니다.




SD Smart Drive 상세 메뉴얼3.pdf

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive Firmware V1.18Z  (0) 2019.08.04
SD Smart Drive firmware V1.18W  (0) 2017.03.16
Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS  (0) 2016.07.09
Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear customers,


Here is new firmware for SD Smart Drive.




1) Fixed error FDD unmount, now works fine(Keep press EXIT + SELECT PUSH)

2) FDD assign way changed, it asking where to assign the selected image.

D1? or D2? have to select.

3) Dial reading noise reduced


How to update


1) Copy SDSmart.ROM file into SD Memory card on Root

2) Press EXIT+SELECT together while POWER ON the APPLE II


If you have any issue, please let me know.

Thanks a lot

Ian Kim



'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive 한글 메뉴얼  (0) 2024.01.03
SD Smart Drive firmware V1.18W  (0) 2017.03.16
Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS  (0) 2016.07.09
Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
Posted by 이안김
, |


Hi friends,

It took long time to have new version of firmware.

This version having new features as under.

1) It supports Read Only function. Read Only Floppy with FDD image file. 

To do this, you need to set as Read Only (*) on your image file then It works as write protected on FDD.

Each FDD works as followed the FDD image R/W status.

it works only *.NIB file.

Please test it and let me know your feed back. :)

2) Support image file Write protect by Dial

Long press EXIT will toggle loaded image R/W <> R/O

3) *.PO FDD image file support. *.PO image file have prodos sector order on sector. it has different sector order compare to *.DSK file. I didn't test it much.. just checked it can read and can run with my file.

How to updates? please refer this. 


If you have any question, please email me.

Thank you very much.

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive 한글 메뉴얼  (0) 2024.01.03
SD Smart Drive Firmware V1.18Z  (0) 2019.08.04
Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS  (0) 2016.07.09
Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
Posted by 이안김
, |

Dear Friends,

If you have difficulty to use Smartport HDD on your APPLE IIGS,

Please try it after Unload D1: or 'Your card' of SLOT6 on IIGS control panel.

If some image file in D1 for autoboot, some cases failed to detect Smart devices.

I'm working on it.

* Tested *

My connector got faulty not the firmware.

Anyway, you can use the latest firmware.

Thank you.

Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive Firmware V1.18Z  (0) 2019.08.04
SD Smart Drive firmware V1.18W  (0) 2017.03.16
Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
[Q/A] SD Smart Drive를 APPLE IIc에서 사용 방법  (0) 2015.08.27
Posted by 이안김
, |

Firmware V1.18S

◆ SD Smart Drive / 2016. 6. 20. 10:00

Dear customers,

I updated firmware for SD Smart Drive.

New version is V1.18R and fixed some minor bugs and enhanced to detect Smart device on APPLE IIGS.

Please download it and update for your Smart Drive.

Version 1.18S


How to update

Your APPLE2 must not lose electric power while firmware updating.  
If this were happen, the firmware couldn't completed and may fail to to restart even firmware updating may fail. In this case, You need to send it back to me for re-building codes. 
(Free of charge to fix this issue but, shipping costs will be your responsibility).
If you are ready to update, please read it first and follow this instruction.
1) Power OFF APPLE2
2) Remove the SD Memory card (Present working SD Memory card should work fine)
3) Copy the new firmware file (SDSmart.ROM) to  root directory.
4) Return the SD memory card to SD Smart Drive.
5) Push Dial button(SELECT/YES) +EXIT button simultaneously, then power ON the APPLE2.
* You can use terminal command as 'firmwareup (Enter)'

6) Then release a few seconds later. You may see on LCD as 'system check..................................'
6) A while later, SD Smart Drive will restart
7) Reboot your APPLE2 and check if the version is properly updated.
If done properly, Now, Enjoy with new version of firmware.

History of V1.18S

-'No file' error message shows the reason.

-Smartport detection method changed for APPLE IIGS.

Before some of cases, failed to detected on IIGS. 

It was happened when power ON FDD boot and Smartport drive status requests.

It doesn't affect on IIc and not works good.

History of V1.18R

- Enhanced the SD Smart Drive detection on APPLE IIGS.

- Locked FDD file showing on the Terminal when Loading it.

History of V1.18Q

- RAM test method changed and it doesn't destroy present data in buffer.

- Serial recovery changed for better recovery to 115200bps.

- Status message little changed.

- Smart Drive detection improved.

Any other bug or request are welcome.

Thank you

Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive firmware V1.18W  (0) 2017.03.16
Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS  (0) 2016.07.09
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
[Q/A] SD Smart Drive를 APPLE IIc에서 사용 방법  (0) 2015.08.27
HFS 2GB disk support  (0) 2015.08.03
Posted by 이안김
, |

Due to some reasons, I've planned to develop faster Newer Smart Drive for APPLE II system.

The AVR(Atmega128) isn't fast compare to these days MPU and lack of memory.

Even AtXmega series are only 32Mhz.

For better performance for Smartport Drive and more function for DISK][,

I'm going to new design for new Smartport Drive and FDD emulator.

I have lots of choice but, I want to use one of not well known MPU.

It is Korean made one and good features has.

It is what I want to use.

 Parameters Values
EISC Core32bit AE32000
F. Max (MHz)96
Vcc (V)3.3
100 TQFP
Flash (Kbytes)128/512
SRAM (Kbytes)80
NAND Flash Controller8bit I/O
1/4bit ECC
SRAM Interface8/16 bit
External Interrupt2
TIMER32bit x 8
SD Card ControllerYes
Voice CodecYes
ADCVoice codec 14bit x 4
DACVoice codec 14bit x 1
Watchdog Timer32bit
USB2.0 Full (12Mbps) Device
It has 96Mhz speed and 80KB SRAM space.

And more USB and even RTC(Real time clock) there.

It has dedicate SD card controller so, it handle SD memory card with superb speed.

And this processor isn't exactly ARM processor but as followed the maker engineer, It based on the ARM technologies.

I've tested SD card Reading speed, It has more than 2MB/S.

I will update what I'm going to do.

This time. I can show testing board.

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Smart port drive on APPLE IIGS  (0) 2016.07.09
Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
[Q/A] SD Smart Drive를 APPLE IIc에서 사용 방법  (0) 2015.08.27
HFS 2GB disk support  (0) 2015.08.03
SD Smart Drive final testing  (0) 2015.07.30
Posted by 이안김
, |

APPLE II를 켜시면 SD Smart Drive의 LCD에 불이들어오고, 무언가 나와야 정상입니다.

간혹 접촉불량으로 LCD를 지긋이 눌러서 나오는 경우도 있습니다.
화면이 흐리면 콘트라스트 조정을 해보시면 됩니다.

EXIT을 누른상태에서 SELECT를 돌리셔서 맞춰보시구요.

SD Smart Drive의 사용법은 돌려서 세부 메뉴얼이 있는것을 보시면 됩니다.

그럼 APPLE II의 사용법을 좀 알아봅시다.

애플2는 여러기종이 있으나, 사용법이 대동소이 합니다.

전원을 켜면, 삑소리와 함께 켜지고 바로 프롬프트를 ] 보냅니다.
만약에, APPLE IIc처럼 디스크 장치가 있으면 FDD를 찾고, 부팅을 시도합니다.
드드드득 하는 소리나 따라라락 하면서 디스켓을 구동합니다.

부팅가능한 디스켓이 있으면, 해당 디스켓으로 프로그램이 시작됩니다.
DOS마스터 같은 디스켓이 있으면 부팅이 되며,
여러 게임 디스켓도 부팅이 됩니다.
참고로, 부팅은 Drive-A만 부팅이 됩니다.
Drive-B는 절대로 부팅시킬수 없습니다.
(참고로, 부팅이란 DOS를 띄우는것과 같습니다 )

질문자; 디스켓이 없으니 SD Smart Drive산것 아니냐?

네, APPLE IIc사용자의 경우에는 이런 경우가 꽤 있을듯 합니다.
그러면 어떻게 써야 좋을까요?
애플2를 뜯으면 FDD1도 대체해 버릴수 있습니다.

질문자; 근데 그거는 힘들꺼 같아요!

네, 그러시면 외부에 놓고 Drive-B로만 사용할수 밖에 없습니다.
그러면 디스켓으로 부팅을 할 수 없습니다.

질문자; 그럼 SD Smart Drive로는 뭘 할수 있는데요?

디스켓으로 부팅을 못하지만, 하드로는 부팅을 할수 있어요. ^^ ㅋㅋ
그런후에 게임도 하실수 있고, 원하는 프로그램을 짤수도 있고, 저장하실수도 있습니다.

질문자; 아... 그건 어떻게 하는거죠?

먼저, APPLE II를 켠 후에 FDD가 돌아가는데, 동작을 멈추세요.
APPLE의 강제 중지는 Control + Reset을 같이 누르면 됩니다.
자 ,눌러보세요..
삑 소리와 함께 ] 가 나오지요?
그러면 APPLE II는 BASIC상태로 대기 상태가 됩니다.

이런 대기상태에서 SD Smart Drive가 제어될 수 있습니다.
그러면 하드디스크 화일을 선택해 봅시다.
다이얼을 돌려서 HDD(1).HDV화일을 골라서 눌러보시고,
(확장자가 HDV이면 하드디스크 화일입니다 )
H1으로 넣어봅시다(  다시 누르면 선택됩니다)

질문자; 했어요.. 근데 아무일도 안일어 나요..

네, 이제 하드로 부팅하시면 됩니다.
APPLE IIc의 경우에는 Smartport로 연결되는 장치는 슬롯번호 5번으로 할당되어 있습니다.
부팅명령은  PR# n (n은 슬롯번호) 엔터 를 치시면 되는데,
당연히 5번슬롯이므로 PR#5 엔터를 치셔야 하겠지요.

그러면 해당 하드디스크로 부팅이 될것입니다.

부팅이 되면..엔터 몇번 치시면 다시 프롬프트가 나올것이고, 
CAT 엔터 치시면 
화일도 디렉토리가 나올것입니다.

유용한 명령은 
PREFIX {디렉토리명}
치시면 해당 디렉토리로 들어갑니다.

CAT하시면 화일이 나오구요.

게임디 렉토리가 있으므로,
하시면 화일이 엄첨 많이 나올것입니다.

BRUN {화일명} 
으로 실행 하실 수 있습니다.

질문자; 아.. 좀 되는것 같습니다. 감사합니다. 

이제부터는 APPLE II DOS명령어를 자세히 익혀야 할 상황입니다.
이 정도까지만 설명드리도록 하겠습니다.

가상으로 Q/A를 만들어서 설명드렸습니다.

온라인 상이라 조금 틀릴수도 있지만,
한번 시도해 보세요.


'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Firmware V1.18S  (0) 2016.06.20
For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
HFS 2GB disk support  (0) 2015.08.03
SD Smart Drive final testing  (0) 2015.07.30
Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
Posted by 이안김
, |

GSOS support 2GB HFS format and SD Smart Drive support it now.

I made one 2GB DISK image and initialized then can use it.

You can find free space is 2,043.7MB and used 4.2MB.

Also You can find 9 HDDs and 2 more 5.25" FDD.

You can access simultaneously FDDs and HDDs.


Thank you

Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

For new Smartport Drive/FDD emulator  (0) 2015.11.27
[Q/A] SD Smart Drive를 APPLE IIc에서 사용 방법  (0) 2015.08.27
SD Smart Drive final testing  (0) 2015.07.30
Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
Posted by 이안김
, |

I received final PCB and doing test as below.

It is 2nd FDD on SD Smart Drive and  Read,Write and rebooting.

The couting is over the 3800 it's above 12 hours running test.




R/W rebooting test on APPLE //e platinum.






R/W rebooting test on APPLE IIGS




Catalog test, 2647 times testing. No error counted 


I'm selling for Local Korea users first,

Please wait around 7days for international APPLE II users.


Thank you very much.

Ian Kim


'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Q/A] SD Smart Drive를 APPLE IIc에서 사용 방법  (0) 2015.08.27
HFS 2GB disk support  (0) 2015.08.03
Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
Posted by 이안김
, |

Serial connected

◆ SD Smart Drive / 2015. 7. 28. 20:45

Hi everyone,


I am testing serial connection on APPLE IIc for SD Smart Drive.



Finally, I can see serial data from SD Smart Drive.

But, 300bpsis working properly.

I tried higher baud rate but fail to get proper data maybe need more study about it.

I will try to make simple terminal S/W then SD Smart drive user can use it insead of terminal by PC.


'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

HFS 2GB disk support  (0) 2015.08.03
SD Smart Drive final testing  (0) 2015.07.30
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
SD Smart Drive beta testing  (0) 2015.07.09
Posted by 이안김
, |



SD Smart Drive supports FDD FORMAT and WRITE function. It makes users to feel much comfort as similar as using real Floopy Drive with Diskette.


This is a photo of copying one image to NIB side.

You can copy from Real FDD DISKETTE to SD Smart Drive NIB side.

It works very well with the NIBBLE AWAY ][ and get copyed image file on SD Memroy card.


Due to 2 FDD Support, you can use it for several 2 FDD games without much changing DISKETTEs.


I'm still thinking What I want and need for APPLE II, it would be similar what APPLE2 owners want these days.


It will start to sell local(Korean)Users first. It would be a week later and I want to listen what really they want and any issues while using it.


Thank you

Ian Kim


'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

SD Smart Drive final testing  (0) 2015.07.30
Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
SD Smart Drive beta testing  (0) 2015.07.09
SD Smart Drive R/W test  (0) 2015.06.19
Posted by 이안김
, |

SD Smart drive is working fine with APPLE IIc plus as the picture.

APPLE IIc recognize two 5.25" FDDs and several smartport HDD.

APPLE IIc plus has no drive slot #6 issue unlike APPLE IIc. APPLE IIc plus has Internal 3.5" FDD and it is assigned to Slot #5.

so two 5.25" FDD emulation could use on APPLE IIc plus.

it looks very nice adjusted cause lots of Games are only run with SLOT#6 and 1st drive.

I will keep testing all of other functions before to finalize PCB.


Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart Drive beta testing  (0) 2015.07.09
SD Smart Drive R/W test  (0) 2015.06.19
SD Smart Drive for IIc  (0) 2015.06.08
Posted by 이안김
, |

Hi, everyone,

For long weeks I had hard time to build firmware and PCB jobs.

Now, I set it in the case and testing.


SD Smart drive is virtual FDD and HDD for APPLE II computer.

and works as maximum 9HDD and 2FDD on APPLE IIc, APPLE IIGS also can use 2FDD on APPLE //e and ][+(][and ][+ can't use HDD cause it's lack of smart drive support).

In general, 4 HDD are good enough but, 2FDD are important one, it is make easy to play bigger game such as Ultima 4 even Ultima 5. This amounts of Drive support are Maximum support for APPLE II.

Disk Image are NIB(R/W), DSK(R/W(buffer only))

HDD image supported with *.HDV, 800K image are working.

I'm working on 2MG now.

It has buliten serial connection(115200bps) for Command mode.

If you experianced with Slot type SD DISK][ Emualtor, you may familiar this rich functions.

It is designed for user conviniences and setup purpose.

It has external LCD&Dial for easy file selection and monitoring of drive status.

It has small speaker in it to make some sound while Drive accessing. it makes feel as real mechanical one.

SD Smart drive can use with FAT16/32 SD/SDHC memory card. (tested 16GB and may work on 32GB too)

Smartport protocol support up to 2GB(it's FAT32 limits)by block and will test later.

All HDD and FDD images are can replace while standby time,

and frist HDD1 and FDD1 is for auto start boot.

APPLE IIc and //e and ][+ are working fine with it but, APPLE IIGS some reply issue there required restart by keyboard.

I'm testing this new PCB board now I'm still working to improve firmwrae and debuging.

Please keep tune and see what Ian doing now! :)

<Smart Port testing 32MB HDV iamge<                                             <Ultima 4 testing with 2nd DISK inseted>



<Connections>                                                        <Terminal commands>

Thank you

Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
SD Smart Drive R/W test  (0) 2015.06.19
SD Smart Drive for IIc  (0) 2015.06.08
Posted by 이안김
, |

Storage stability is important and I'm running test program when I have changed Hardware.

I made simple testing program for DOS 3.3 and Smart HDD.

Testing program have writing and reading function to detect error.

Mostly, I run it before to go to bed and it runs for overnight.
This picture is testing of FDD mode,

HDD mode testing.

It writes 33KB files until to full.

No error and no free block too. it used all of HDD blocks.

So, I can say External version of SD DISK][ emulator is stable.

Thanks for watching.

Ian Kim

'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
SD Smart Drive beta testing  (0) 2015.07.09
SD Smart Drive for IIc  (0) 2015.06.08
Posted by 이안김
, |

SD DISKII external version can emulate the Smartport hard disk mode and successfully can read 32MB HDV image

Now, It can emulate FDD and HDD. but not yet write mode completed on HDD mode. 



Now, It boot with HDD on your APPLE IIc.





CATALOG files. as you can see lots of blocks.



Loaded 800KB floppy image too.


I still need some more task as below.


Need some more reseach for Write on HDD.

Need to improve speed.

And need to integrate R/W smart cache.

Need to test on APPLE IIgs.






** ADDED **

Now, Read and Write are start working fine.

I saved basic file and can save load without any problem also tested several files too.




'◆ SD Smart Drive' 카테고리의 다른 글

Serial connected  (0) 2015.07.28
SD Smart Drive copy to NIB side  (0) 2015.07.20
SD Smart drive testing on APPLE IIc  (0) 2015.07.13
SD Smart Drive beta testing  (0) 2015.07.09
SD Smart Drive R/W test  (0) 2015.06.19
Posted by 이안김
, |

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