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최근에 올라온 글

I started to make board for PS2 keyboard converter for apple][ & ][+.

This converter having useful functions in it.



Basically its act like keyboard for apple ant its support small letter by Caps lock.

and number pad.

This conveter doesn't work with APPLE//e nor IIc only work with APPLE II and II+.



1) It accept serial ASCII data  and will resend it to APPLE2 so you can send your data from your serial equipments. (5V TTL) even you can connect bluetooth serial connector as wireless keyboard.


2) F1~F12(except F3) key is Macro Key. you can define your own key macro.

eg) On the new line, type then press Alt+Fn then it will be in memory and can recall when you press Fn key again. (Momorised key data will be keep evenif power off)


3) F3 key is recall key. it will send last line again.

4) Reset -> Ctrl+Break assigned


5)  Upper arrow key and Down arrow support. Even APPLE][ will receive this key code and it works on many S/W.


6) Simple auto reapeat

7) ATX power supplier ON/OFF control by simple external wire.

Power switch and Keyboard power ON/OFF support. it will be useful some user who did modified  APPLE][ power supplier to ATX one as me and it need to modify little bit for power +Vsb.



PS-2 keyboard should be a QWERTY.

Serial signal is +5V TTL type not RS232c signal.


Please wait for this converter ^^;


Ian Kim

'◆ APPLE II' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 이안김
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