APMSX runs with SD DISKII Plus

이안김 2019. 3. 4. 09:57

APMSX can use APPLE II peripherals,

I made an example of access on APPLE II slot device by APMSX.

It is direct access of SD DISKII Plus and used as a big FDD on APMSX.

This access is as below.

65C02 doesn't have need any code to do this.

This example is, 

Save dummy data and delete data.

To access an APPLE II peripheral, It required a driver to access FAT16.

In this example, I made a driver to access SD DISKII Plus and loaded when it start MSX.

HDD access is fine and it's based on BeerIDE of MSX and it looks MSXDOS1.

Hence, I've could save around 150 to 200 files only.

Even having 32MB but, it isn't useful but very good for me.

It doesn't boot MSXDOS command. I tried to solve it but failed,... 

maybe I missed making environments before to start COMMAND.COM

I will leave it but will try again someday.


Ian Kim