◆ Z80 Card

Z80 co-processor board for APPLE //c

이안김 2018. 5. 20. 00:24

Dear Friends,

I'm working for Z80 board on APPLE //c.

After several things hardware bug fixed, It start to boot CP/M as under.

This board is plug on CPU socket on APPLE //c.

And working as the same as Z80 softcard.

Working stable now.

It need to change some parts to make properly.

The PCB needs change some points...

Anyway, I also will try it for APPLE //c+ and hope to make it run on //c+.

Please wait for another toy on APPLE //c.

Unfortunately, It can't exist with Mockingboard 4c.

I will consider if I could make combined one board (MB4c with Z80 board)

Some weeks later, you could see completed Z80 co-processor board for APPLE //c.

Thanks your watching;

Ian Kim