◆ SD Music card

SD Music Plus

이안김 2017. 11. 29. 23:52

Hi, Friends,

If you don't know what is the SD Music card, 

Please watch this video and compare Mockingboard with this FM sound quality.

Another version of SD Music card is testing now.

From this version, It works perfect with APPLE ][+.

Previous version had some timing issue on APPLE ][+ so, some APPLE ][+ clone works so, I recommended APPLE //e.

APPLE ][+ and APPLE //e doesn't have same on expansion slot.

To discover it, I used a CPLD and now works perfect APPLE ][+ and //e. ( IIgs technical issue is the same as mocking board) 

This new version have same sound character but, it has nice function.

I will introduce it again.

Please wait for the SD Music card again and enjoy nice music programing even on APPLE ][+.

Thank you.

Ian Kim