◆ SD Music card

Mockingboard on CPU Socket

이안김 2016. 9. 10. 14:00

Hi friends,

Today, I've tested Mockingboard 4c(socket type) on APPLE //e.

To do it, I removed 65C02 CPU and pull flat cable to the Mockingboard 4c.

It was little complicated and I had to use Proto type not selling one.

Anyway, I could hear sound of mockingboard as it is on Slot#4.

This purpose is for the testing for APPLE //c plus and Laser128 system which couldn't have Mockingboard on Slot#4.

Those type of APPLE II can't use Mockingboard 4c but some of fans, wants to use it on their //c plus and Laser128.

Due to some of internal structure are not the same as APPLE //c, I couldn't say would work on there.

and I have to test it on //c and Laser128.

Now, I'm sure my design worked on just APPLE //e. :)